“I once fell through the ice!”
Let’s start from the beginning. Well, almost... Evelina is not best-known for ice fishing. She is more associated with spring, autumn and summer or, in her world, pike, salmon and then pike again. Her venture into “ice-breaking” was not a serious career step. The waters were shallow and Evelina’s only regret was that she couldn’t continue the competition.

That our conversation gets around to “ice” is simply because we are meeting in early January and she immediately starts talking about the snow. “It just snows and snows and snows here.” By way of explanation, she adds that her town, Gävle, is a “snow magnet”. She is looking forward to the afternoon’s snow-clearing session at her new home. Strange? No... “It’s good training!”
Olle Lidesjö
My mind rushes back to the autumn adventure of our photo safari in the Eriksberg archipelago. Piloting one of the accompanying boats was a certain Olle. When Evelina next launches into her story of the journey from fishing fan to one of the country’s greatest fishing stars, it is this very Olle she first mentions.
“He was passionate about girls and young people getting hooked on fishing.” Well, Evelina did catch the interest. Her collaboration with ABU, where said Olle was a legendary manager, began. ABU already had a long-standing relationship with Linder Aluminiumbåtar. Thus, there and then in 2016, Evelina became, to put it in a nutshell, a Linder lover. Many factors contributed to this. Linder and Evelina share values, interests and a boating philosophy.

“A Linder boat for everyone”
Evelina eagerly talks about her boat choice. Being constantly with sport fishers and taking part in many competitions, she has come across most types of top-class craft. “Some people go for ‘super boats’ from the USA. Sure, they’re fine fishing platforms, but too expensive and not as manipulable as I like.” She illustrates this with details of how, with no great effort, she gets her 445 Catch on and off her trailer and in and out of water completely unaided.
“For me, a Linder boat is best. They are boats that anyone can handle and use for fishing. Highly manoeuvrable and, above all else, rugged.”
As of 2021, Evelina is stepping up her boat choice: “I’m getting an Arkip 460, fully fitted-out for fishing.” She emphasises that she can handle this boat just as easily by herself as she can the 445 Catch.
“I work long hours”
This article’s eleven-word title encapsulates Evelina. But who is she and, going a little deeper, what is she like? Some of the answers have already been given. Evelina came to the fore through Olle’s commitment.
Next question: “How do you manage to fish so much?”
Evelina reveals that, after qualifying as a nurse, she went straight into being an ambulance paramedic. “The hours are long and demanding; 14-hour night shifts, 10-hour day shifts. This means my working week is soon done.”
Thus, fitness training can be slotted in. Yes, she trains. A lot!
“I do five 2-hour sessions a week. I also do a lot of running. And walking...”
“Rather than why, which seems wrong, can I ask if you compete?”
Evelina mentions a Tough Viking and several other smaller competitions provisionally in her diary. However, she focuses on how important it is for her to keep fit. “My job often involves heavy lifting in difficult situations. I want to give my best. Strength, fitness and suppleness are vital.”
We talk a little about her fishing equipment, highly regarded rods for heavy baits and multiplier reels. In other words, Ambassador. Evelina works with several companies. The brands feature in Linder’s ranges – Garmin, Suzuki, Brenderup trailers and ABU.

2021 and an Arkip 460
Our chat has come full circle. By the time these lines are in print, Evelina will have her new boat. You should then be able to tag along on her fishing trips and competitions. Owing to the pandemic, the past year has not been so active. “I hope we’ll soon be through it.”