All boats

Linder aluminum boats are designed for the diverse environments of lakes and the sea. Crafted with cutting-edge technology, while staying true to the tradition rooted in Småland – precision, quality, and yes – hard work.

Planing Boats

Explore our selection of planing boats. From our smallest 355, which performs well with an electric motor, to our largest motorboat, the Arkip 530 – a limousine on the sea, comfortably cruising at over 30 knots.

Fishing Boats

All our boats are highly valued by recreational anglers. We have gathered the most popular models here. From the fully equipped 445 Catch to a selection that you can customize in ‘Build Your Boat’ to match your needs.


Our rowboats are easy to maneuver, allowing effortless rowing, and they are virtually indestructible. Attach a small motor if rowing isn’t enough – why not opt for an electric motor?

Linder news

Product news

  • Boating

Peder Carlsson. Backyard Babies

“I can take the boat a little way offshore and switch off the engine. I’m then entirely alone and simply being.”


  • Product news

Nyhet! Bimini top till Arkip 530

Bimini tillverkad av grått båtkapell tyg Sunbrella Plus.
Snyggt och praktiskt att kombinera ihop med soldäck och sittdynor.

Boat accessories

  • Environment

Sustainable production

Bygg din egen båt

Välj bland vår aluminiumbåtar och kanoter. Och, du kan redan här extrautrusta och bygga din båt efter just dina behov. Kanske en fiskebåt. Självklart kan du sedan köpa den direkt här.

Bygg din egen Linderbåt