We recommend that you give canoeing a try. Few other pastimes in our stressful world get you nearer to yourself – and to those you share the experience with. An Inkas is effortless propulsion, often in places that cannot be reached in any other way.
Made from a material with its own environment-friendly cycle, an Inkas canoe is the wisest choice you can make for getting around the most sensitive of environments. Its low weight and hull shape make navigation easy, even in narrow channels.

Gula kantareller steks i en svart gjutjärnspanna över öppen eld i naturen.

Since its launch in 1981, Inkas has been appreciated for its extreme robustness. Dejected paddlers, their canoes unable to withstand the perils of flowing waters, are a rarity nowadays. An Inkas withstands a lot and is thus a favourite with rental operators.
An Inkas is seaworthy and unsinkable. It puts you and the environment in first place.
Inkas canoes are available in 3 lengths – 465 cm, 495 cm and 525 cm. Width is up to 90 cm and there is room for 2 or 3 people. As weight is always low (28 to 38 kg), handling your Inkas is easy.

En man paddlar en Inkas kanot på ett stilla vatten omgivet av skogsbeklädda berg. READ MORE ABOUT INKAS